Market End: The release of end demand continues to be weak, with a strong wait-and-see atmosphere in the wholesale sector. The circulation of goods in various market segments is not satisfactory, and overall trading volume is moderate. Currently, the market trend is characterized by oversupply and insufficient demand.
Spot Market: Overall, prices in the spot market remained stable this week, with a few fluctuations in prices. Looking at the price trends, Brazilian forequarter and some anterior meat prices rose in the first half of the week, with a comprehensive increase of 0.5 yuan/kg. However, prices fell again on Friday, and the overall price trend has not stabilized yet. The average price for the mainstream Marfrig forequarter is 39 yuan/kg, currently at a temporary bottom.
Performance of Imported Products from Various Countries: This week, the atmosphere in the Western spot market was subdued, with prices in most positions relatively stable and some fluctuating, such as forequarter and sirloin. Argentine spot prices are relatively stable, but trading volume remains weak, with some items like shank, plate, and brisket showing a decline. Uruguayan spot prices are relatively stable, with moderate trading volume. Holding merchants are participating in offers with a few positions showing slight price declines, such as boneless beef and sirloin.